How can I help Ukraine in the USA

Donate to charities or organizations that are providing aid and support to people in Ukraine.

In Ukraine, there are two large charitable organizations that even purchase weapons and armored vehicles. These are organizations you can trust. Previously, drones such as Bayraktar TB2, Spartan armored vehicles and even a space satellite have already been bought!

a) Charity foundation of Serhiy Prytula

b) “Come Back Alive”

You can also donate directly to the armies of Ukrina to the official account of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Even $50 can save a life.

Write to your representatives in Congress about your concerns about the situation in Ukraine.

For example:

Dear [Representative’s Name],

I am writing to express my deep concern about the deteriorating situation in Ukraine. The Russian attack caused great suffering to the people of Ukraine and had a destabilizing effect on the region. The people of Ukraine deserve to live in peace and security, and we are responsible for making their voice heard.

Currently, Ukraine needs weapons with which the people of Ukraine can protect their children and the entire civilian population. This requires tanks and aircraft. We have thousands of Abrams tanks in storage that could save tens of thousands of Ukrainians. I ask you to use all your influence to facilitate the transfer of these tanks as soon as possible.Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Contact your local Ukrainian community to see if there are any events or initiatives you can support.

For example

Also can you help:

– Participate in grassroots fundraising efforts to help the people of Ukraine.
– Educate yourself and others about the situation in Ukraine and how those in the US can help.
– Volunteer your time and skills to organizations providing support to Ukraine.
– Follow news about Ukraine and share it with your networks.
– Support sanctions against Russia that would pressure it to withdraw from Ukraine.

The people of Ukraine sincerely thank you even for the fact that you are already reading this. So you think about people. Ukraine will fight until victory over Russia. Thank you for your help.

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