Best GPUs for Mining 2023

Cryptocurrency mining is now a very profitable activity.

The mining process is a specialized automated calculation for which the user or miner is rewarded. That is, in fact, the miner receives a reward for the work that his mining equipment has done.
Despite the fact that today there are several ways to mine cryptocurrencies, the most popular one due to its reliability is mining with GPUs.

Illustrative photo GPU for mining

They have been mining on graphics cards since 2010. It is easy to guess what was the first cryptocurrency that was mined on graphics cards – of course Bitcoin.
The more powerful and better the graphics card, the more stable the mining process. The payback of high-quality graphics cards for mining will not be long in coming.
Moreover, with proper use of graphics card overclocking, the performance and power of processors can be significantly increased.

GPU for mining are, first of all, the equipment used for the production of funds. That is, by purchasing graphics cards, you acquire not only a universal component of the user’s computer, which is useful in games, graphics, for mining, but also a means of making money, which is a very profitable investment in the long run.
Let’s figure out what a graphics card is, how to choose it, where to buy it and what are the ways to overclock it.

By the way, we also have a good rating for smartphones with the best camera.

What is a graphics card (GPU) for mining

As a rule, gaming graphics cards are used for mining, since they have sufficient power and computing abilities. The work of the GPU in the mining process is a process similar to the calculation of textures in video games or their drawing, nothing specific is required from cards in mining.

Game cards are improved, first of all, for gaming needs, however, with their development for the gaming sector, the power of cards for cryptocurrency mining increases.
The most popular GPUs that can be mined include cards made by:

  • AMD;
  • Nvidia.

Mining on AMD GPUs

This GPU is great for mining Ethereum cryptocurrency.
Mining began with this card during the period of the first cryptocurrency boom – that is, from 2015 to 2018.

Mining on Nvidia GPUs

NVIDIA GPUs are highly energy efficient, for which gamers and miners around the world appreciate them. The green logo of the manufacturer’s company symbolizes optimal energy consumption and is associated with environmental friendliness.
Some versions of NVIDIA cards have much more processing power than AMD cards.

Why is cryptocurrency mining on GPUs still popular?

Firstly, ASIC farms for cryptocurrency mining are quite expensive, and they also need a separate space for them – preferably a separate room, since the farm takes up a lot of space. You can build a graphics card farm yourself and it does not take up much space. Moreover, it is quite mobile not only in terms of space, but also in the ability to work with different cryptocurrencies. In addition, if you use the cards carefully, they can be resold in the future.

Secondly, GPUs are universal soldiers for cryptocurrency mining. New cryptocurrencies appear literally every day, manufacturers simply do not have time to release specialized ASIC farms for each cryptocurrency. In this regard, graphics cards certainly take the lead from farms.

Thirdly, excellent performance, power consumption and cooling of cards. Gaming graphics cards are designed for intensive use by gamers, so they are usually equipped with evaporators and special vapor chambers so that the equipment does not overheat. Of course, this affects the performance of the cards.

Fourth, graphics cards are much quieter than ASIC farms.
All these pluses are weighty arguments in favor of choosing a GPU for mining.

Pros and cons of mining on GPU

GPU mining, like any mining method, has its pros and cons.

Pros of mining on GPU:

Mining on graphics cards can be a great way to earn money, provided you have the initial investment, patience and time you are willing to wait for the card to pay off and bring a net profit.

First of all, GPU mining is a great way to generate passive income. If you connect not one, but several graphics cards, thereby increasing its performance, you can receive a stable passive income every day.

Mining on the GPU requires your minimum time investment. Mining on the map does not mean constantly checking the equipment during the mining process, it is enough just to periodically check the performance of the equipment and monitor the temperature so that the map does not heat up too much.

Variety of cryptocurrencies that can be mined. Cryptocurrencies for mining on cards today are not limited to bitcoin. This is an absolute plus, since you can mine several cryptocurrencies in parallel, which is very profitable.

Moreover, graphics cards, unlike ASIC farms, produce much less noise and have a long warranty period. Graphics cards have a wide variety of uses – cryptocurrency, graphics, video games. And if you really want to get rid of it, you can resell the card on the secondary market. Powerful graphics cards in good condition are as much in demand in the aftermarket as those packaged off the assembly line.

Cons of mining on GPU:

In order to assemble and implement a mining farm on a GPU, it is necessary not only to invest financial resources, but also to correctly assemble it. In addition, they often stop mining for preventive purposes and are engaged in equipment maintenance.
Despite the fact that mining a farm on the GPU makes much less noise, sleeping in the same room with a running farm is not so easy. Still, for this it is better to allocate a separate space in which you do not spend the night.

In addition, the equipment can heat up significantly and require additional cooling during the warm season.
The eternal problem is mining instability, internet instability and power outages. If the power problem can be solved, then there may be a problem with the network connection.
In order to mine efficiently, a relatively powerful new computer is needed. A very functional and federal graphics card makes no sense if you have weak hardware.

To avoid problems with equipment overheating, it is necessary to install air conditioners or fans in the room where the mining equipment is located.

The main criteria for choosing a GPU

Consider the key characteristics of the GPU, which you need to pay attention to when choosing:

1. Memory. If you need a GPU in the long term, you need to choose graphics cards for mining with a large amount of storage. The fact is that for the mining of some cryptocurrencies, you need from 5 GB of memory.
2. Card cooling system. A GPUs with 2 or 3 fans can extend the life of the device and is less prone to wear and tear during round-the-clock operation. However, buying cards with turbines is also not worth it due to their level of noise production.
3. Tire. A 256-bit graphics card bus is more efficient than a 128-bit one. The most powerful and expensive models have even higher bandwidth buses.
4. Energy consumption. Some AMD cards consume more power to run, which makes them not very profitable, even though their performance is quite good.
5. Overclocking. The ability to speed up GPU is one of the important conditions for mining. Samsung memory graphics cards have the best overclocking capability. However, unfortunately, when choosing a card, this characteristic is not indicated in the product parameters, so the choice of graphic cards in this regard is like in a lottery.

Consider these parameters when choosing the optimal GPU for mining.

Best GPUs for mining (graphics cards)

The most popular GPU for mining are produced by NVIDIA and AMD. We present you a list of models of the best GPU for mining, which you should take a closer look at:

GPU NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPERThe release of this model of graphics cards was expected by most of the mining community. This model is more powerful than its predecessor, and on some cryptocurrency algorithms, the results from it are 80-160 percent higher. This card holds overclocking well, and you can also increase the frequency of the core and memory on it, and even adjust the consumption limits.

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AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT Gaming GPUThese graphics cards are equipped with a powerful cooling system with copper pipes, fans and an aluminum heatsink. It is possible to overclock graphic cards using the OverdriveNTool program. Best compatibility with Ethash Claymore’s Miner and PhoenixMiner cryptocurrency mining software.

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AMD Radeon RX 580 GPUIt is in good demand among gamers and miners from all over the world. The map is perfect for those who want to assemble a powerful farm with an optimal level of electricity consumption. Graphics cards have good overclocking potential and processor characteristics.

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At the moment, this is the most affordable and common graphics card. With its low price, the payback of the card may not be fast, and the income from it is not very large. However, if the rate of Ethereum continues to rise steadily, even after taking into account the cost of electricity, it will be possible to make some money on the graphics card. This graphic card is popular among those who assemble cryptocurrency farms as the graphic card provides good performance due to special chips running on Pascal. At one time, the demand for this particular card increased sharply with the rise in prices for cryptocurrencies.

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NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 1080 Ti - FE Founders Edition (Renewed)The most expensive and most productive card in the manufacturer’s lineup. This card has twice the performance of the GTX 1070.

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Specialized graphics cards for mining

Since today there are two manufacturers of GPUs that are market leaders and compete with each other, we present to your attention the TOP cards from each:

Top GPU models from AMD:

Top GPU models from NVIDIA:

Choosing a GPU for mining is based on the amount that you are willing to spend, as well as the one that will be optimal in terms of price-payback ratio.

Where to buy a best GPU for mining

Buying graphics cards for mining is not an easy task. You need to know where to get a really good graphics card. It is best to buy where graphics cards are sold by people, and not through intermediaries, as there is a risk of high markups.
When buying a graphics card, it is worth considering that its cost affects the payback period of the card. It is believed that the card paid off when you earned the same amount of money on mining that you spent on purchasing graphics cards. All that you have earned after this point is your net profit from mining.

The best place where GPUs are most often bought profitably is Amazon.

GPU overclocking methods

You have purchased a graphics card and started mining cryptocurrency. At first, it seems to you that the mining process brings in enough money for the equipment to pay off soon. However, after some time you will want to increase your profits. To increase profits, you must either reduce farm costs or increase their profitability.

Ways to multiply profits include:

  • the growth in the number of farms;
  • change of graphic card and purchase are more productive;
  • location of farms in places with a low cost of electricity;
  • forced overclocking of GPU.

Overclocking graphics cards is an artificial increase in the technical characteristics of the hardware in order to increase its performance and efficiency. Overclocking graphics cards includes improving memory and GPU settings.

It is worth noting that in the process of forced overclocking of graphics cards, the power consumption of the spare part increases.
For greater efficiency of graphics cards and their performance, a combination of methods must be used. The most profitable combination is overclocking graphics cards and increasing the number of farms.
The overclocking of graphics cards depends, first of all, on the model of the card itself and the cryptocurrency that you mine on it.

Parameters to consider for GPU overclocking

A graphics card is a fairly complex device that performs computational operations. The structure of the device includes RAM, cooling system, as well as graphics processors.

The GPU has a set of operation parameters that are important to consider when overclocking:

  • core voltage from power supply;
  • the power that the card consumes for operation, and its limit;
  • operating temperature and its permissible limit;
  • the frequency of the kernel;
  • frequency of RAM operation;
  • the speed of the cooling system.

Different models of GPU use their power in different ways. Moreover, different cryptocurrencies require a variety of functions from graphics cards for their mining. You need to take into account the features of your graphics card in order to maximize the efficiency of overclocking. And also take into account the needs of the cryptocurrency you are mining.

Overclocking graphics cards for mining

In order to overclock graphics cards, you need to install MSI Afterburner. Please note that you need to download only from the official website of the program manufacturer.

Increasing the performance of RAM

In order to improve the performance of graphics cards for some cryptocurrencies, it is necessary to increase the frequency of the card’s memory. To do this, the program provides a special RAM slider. Best of all, Samsung RAM is overclocked in this way, since this type of RAM works even with powerful overclocking using the program. In order to start increasing the memory frequency, you need to start the process of cryptocurrency mining. After that, gently and gradually move the RAM slider to the right.

This should be done slowly and carefully in order to monitor the stability of mining and how the program affects performance. If you sharply move the slider to the right, there is a risk of overloading the card. Nothing bad is likely to happen. The program will simply reset the card settings to default, the work of the graphics card itself will be suspended.
Therefore, try to increase the power of RAM gradually, then you have a better chance of successfully improving performance.

Reduce card power consumption

Many AMD-made cards do not use the graphics cores to the maximum during the mining process. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the core frequency without compromising the performance of the card. This way you can save energy.
In order to reduce power consumption, it is necessary to move the core operation slider to the left, that is, in the direction of decreasing performance. This should also be done carefully and slowly, so as to reduce gradually, observing what indicator is enough to save enough electricity and at the same time not damage the performance of the card. Keep in mind that the processing power of graphics cards can also be reduced, which is why it is necessary to monitor the process in order to reduce the power of the core without ruining the processing power of graphics cards.

In addition, if you reduce the frequency of the core not on a separate card, but on the whole farm, the energy savings will be more noticeable. In order to further reduce power consumption, you can also tweak the value of the core supply voltage. This will reduce the power consumption by just a few more watts, however, this will be enough to save good electricity in the house.

Optimization of ventilation performance

If you have adjusted the power consumption settings, the device will automatically decrease in heating due to a decrease in load. This means that the ventilation system may not work as intensively, for this you can reduce the fan speed in the settings.

The MSI Afterburner program allows you to set not only a certain fan speed, but to make full flexible settings, indicating the dependence of the ventilation speed on the heating temperature of the graphics cards. To do this, go to the cooler section and line up the points on the graph so that they form the necessary dependence curve.

Setting up cooling

Setting the optimal fan speed is a kind of compromise between the intensity of the cooler, the level of noise that it produces, and the temperature of the graphics card, which it reaches during operation.
If the graphics card is used intensively, the fan bearing can be pretty worn out and fail quite quickly, however, if the fan speed is insufficient, the graphics card will overheat, which will lead to a quick failure of the graphics cards.

In this case, it is easier to fix the cooler than the graphics card itself. Keep this in mind when looking for the optimum fan speed.
As for the noise, it won’t disappear completely, no matter how slow the cooler’s operation is.
After you have optimized all the settings and made sure that the graphics card is stable, you need to save the settings using the button in the form of a floppy disk on the right side of the program interface.

Program autorun

The last step in setting up overclocking for graphic cards will be setting the program to autorun when the farm is turned on. You can also do this in the program settings in the “Start with Windows” item. Activate this button to automatically overclock your graphics card to improve its performance and efficiency.

Another way to overclock

In addition to GPU overclocking using the program, you can overclock graphics cards by flashing the BIOS of the card.
This method can be used even in combination with the program and thereby increase the performance of the card in an even greater percentage ratio – it was and has become.

The only downside to the flashing method is that using it automatically voids your graphics card warranty. In addition, flashing the card is associated with certain risks. If something goes wrong, you will be left without a card and the money invested in it.
If you purchased a fresh graphics card with a warranty from the store, then it is not recommended to flash the BIOS in the first months of the card’s operation for overclocking.

In this case, it is better to use the program and then very carefully. After the graphics card has paid off on mining, you can try to flash the BIOS or use it with the program.
Also, this method is suitable for cards purchased from hand, that is, without a warranty period.

These graphics card overclocking methods are the most popular. Remember that any overclocking option should be used with caution, monitor the behavior of your graphics card so as not to break it inadvertently. With the right settings, overclocking a graphics card gives really good results and increases its efficiency by up to ten percent.


In 2022, the list of GPUs that are suitable for mining has expanded significantly. In order to successfully mine, it is best to purchase a newer model of graphics cards, which have higher performance and better specifications.

However, you will have to be patient, as the equipment will not pay off immediately, but for the long-term perspective of making money, graphic cards are perfect.
Selling graphics cards on the secondary market is difficult, but possible. Cryptocurrency mining on the GPU is not only a source of passive income, but also a long-term investment. By purchasing graphic cards, you, first of all, acquire the means of producing crypto assets.

Moreover, with proper use, a competent mining strategy and the use of overclocking tools for graphic cards, its payback will not be long in coming, and the net profit will bring long-term stable income.

Now is probably the best time to get a GPU and start mining cryptocurrencies. Ethereum forecasts for the next year please miners and investors, which means it’s time to invest in crypto!

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